client testimonials

We have been dealing with M/s. Tacklers for more than last 10 years, mainly for lifting equipments, Titan Electrical Winch Machines, Ferrotiger make of Battery Operated Scissor Lift, Monorail Trolleys and UMP make wire ropes. The company has always given its best in terms of efficiency, expedience, dependability and high standards. This makes them a pleasure to work with. We recommend them to partners and to the industry in general. We wish them our best, and look forward to many more years of partnership.
Nandkumar Menon
( Dy. General Manager )

We commissioned our Big Ingot Casting project in 2009. The handling of 70T ingots with mould was critical & massive job. Our foreign technical know-how collaborator suggested imported tongs or similar arrangement. However it was not suitable for our way of operations.
We contacted our long time business partner M/s. TACKLERS for this purpose. Their expertise & our actual shop floor experience resulted into a very simple & easy to handle sling wire rope design. Subsequently to modify it further M/s. TACKLERS suggested small reusable slings for the same sling wire rope to reduce cost. Since 2009 we are using this arrangement of wire rope sling for handling of hot ingot with mould (temperature 800-1000°C) of almost 150T capacity developed by TACKLERS without any troubles. This is to express our sincere thanks to TACKLERS for supplying us locally developed wire rope sling for such critical application.
Vivek Panchwagh
( VP. Steel Melting Shop )

I am extremely pleased to put on record the fabulous work done by Tacklers with Forbes Marshall since last couple of years. The professional committed team under the able leadership of Farah is very cooperative & prompt in their service. We appreciate the efforts put in by Tacklers team to support us whenever needed. Tacklers is not only a supplier but a true solution provider.
I must say the bond between Forbes Marshall & Tacklers is rising by lifting! I wish Tacklers a very bright future in all their endeavours.
mangesh ashtekar
( Section Manager Support )

This is to certify that Gestamp Automotive India Pvt. Ltd. Chakan, Pune Plant is using Round Slings made from UHMP (Dyneema) Yarn and Anti-Cut Sleeves for 50 Tons Di Lifting and Turning supplied by M/s. TACKLERS and manufacture by M/s. Sealinkers (P) Ltd.
We have been successfully using high performance, strong and light weight slings and have found them very suitable to our application. We have also benefitted in terms of cost effective repairs carried out from time to time by replacing the sling cover or patch up of minor cuts and tears.
Over the last 3-5 years we have seen good service life and would like to recommend using slings made from UHMP (Dyneema) Yarn.
( Plant Director )

Tacklers have been found to be honest and unflinching with respect to use of High Tenacity Polyester material, the stitch quality leading to dependable and improved Safety Factor in their Polyester Slings. This was in spite of intense price pressure due to lowering of safety standards by most of its competitors.
They have also introduced and tried to popularise some value adding products like Weld-On Rings, Swivel hooks etc which not only enhance the securing, ease of handling of heavy, high value cargo but also bring down overall costs in packaging, materials handing and avoidable damages during multiple handling.
sanju devassy
( Branch Manager )

We have been dealing with M/s. Tacklers for more than last 10 years, mainly for lifting equipments, Titan Electrical Winch Machines, Ferrotiger make of Battery Operated Scissor Lift, Monorail Trolleys and UMP make wire ropes. The company has always given its best in terms of efficiency, expedience, dependability and high standards. This makes them a pleasure to work with. We recommend them to partners and to the industry in general. We wish them our best, and look forward to many more years of partnership.
prasad parte
( Manager - Laser Marketing & Exec.)

In our endeavour to meet global standards in installation of precast elements, particularly while working with clients like Cummins India demanding very high standards of safety, Tacklers was indeed a great ‘Supply Partner’. Beyond the role of just a supplier it went ahead to arrange a training workshop which was of immense help to the team. Thanks to the team of Tacklers, particularly Ms Farah Karachiwala for her extensive co-operation.
rajesh bhate
( VP. Construction Operations )

M/s. Tacklers is supporting to M/s. Terex by keeping the Wire Ropes in their STOCK, M/s. Tacklers supplies the Wire Ropes “Just In Time”, this helps M/s. Terex to maintain the Inventory at Minimum Level. We thank Tacklers for this extended support and we wish all the best for future Business Objectives.
vinod Manon
( DGM Purchase )

It was really indeed a great experience getting service and support from Tacklers. The entire approach and support was very professional and appreciable. We look forward to your support and cooperation in future as well.
sudhir samjiskar
( AVP Business Operations )